Impact analysis of Govt schemes is also the job of the Govt

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What we common man are not realising is that these schemes are launched with our money and we equally have the right to know the end result of the scheme

Biswadeep Gupta

Government schemes are launched across the states with lots of pomp and flair by the government machinery. The media is briefed with endless press releases in multiple languages. These also get published meticulously by the media and the politician, of course, the ruling party leaves no stone unturned to take credit for their party’s good work and why should not they do so?

Social media today provides an easy means to share information at a lightning speed. All said and done it is hardly a matter of concern for the citizen to really understand the impact of the schemes and a common man does not have the tools to identify the significance and benefit these schemes create.

If a Government of the day wants to take credit for its good work and various schemes it launched they also need to showcase through real time case study and qualified data what impact the schemes really created, what was expected when you launched the programme, and what was achieved, what were the gaps and what factors were responsible for creating such gaps.

What we common man are not realising is that these schemes are launched with our money and we equally have the right to know the end result of the scheme.

So the Government of the future should be ready with these lines of thought as people if not today but tomorrow are bound to ask these questions…

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