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World Senior Citizen Day

Jay Sur

World Senior Citizen Day

The twilight of life’s gentle embrace,
We honor wisdom etched on each face,
World Senior Citizen Day, a time so dear,
To celebrate hearts that hold memories near…

With grace and patience paving the way,
Guiding us through both night and day,
Their laughter and stories like treasures untold,
Illuminating our paths, making us bold…

A tapestry woven with threads of time,
A symphony of experiences truly enshrine,
They’ve weathered storms yet stood so strong,
Teaching courage, guiding us where we belong…

In their eyes is a universe of dreams,
A lifetime of hopes and a river that gleams,
With every wrinkle a story unfolds,
In their warm hearts compassion takes hold…

Let’s cherish the elders and love them clear,
Hold their hands and draw them near,
For in their presence we find the key,
To a world of love, pure and unity…

On this special day let the kindness flow,
For the seeds of compassion they did sow,
World Senior Citizen Day, a tribute so true,
To the souls who’ve shaped us through and through…

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