Longwa Village of Nagaland- Where Dual Citizenship Exist

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The Indo – Myanmar border passes through the chief’s house of Longwa dividing the house into two halves. One half is in India and the other half is in Myanmar. It is said that the chief eats in Myanmar and sleeps in India. The interesting fact about the Chief or Angh is that he has 60 wives and manages 70 villages.


Longwa  village in Mon district of   Nagaland is one of the famous villages of Nagaland.  It  stands as a living example of harmony between two diverse  nations as it lies on the boundary of India and Myanmar .Longwa is home to the famous Konyak  tribe and majority of its population is in Myanmar today.

Visitors are enchanted with the mesmerizing scenic beauty of Longwa. The beauty of the village is beyond description. Lush green scenery, the clouds floating through the sky , the peace in the wind makes one feel the essence of purity.The tribes of Longwa have a rare sense of social behavior and culture. They were originally head hunters and prefer to display the skulls of their enemies in front of their houses as a mark of bravery.

The Indo – Myanmar border passes through the chief’s house of Longwa dividing the house into two halves. One half is in India and the other half is in  Myanmar . It is said that the chief eats in Myanmar and sleeps in India. The interesting fact about the Chief or Angh is that he has 60 wives and manages 70 villages.

The villagers enjoy a stress free life without any requirement of a visa to move across the border. Most of the houses in Longwa have their kitchens in the Myanmar and bedroom in India. Longwa is known for being India’s opium den. One of the underlying possibility in Longwa is spotting the tattooed head hunters. It is the last border  town . Visitors can trespass, walk into Myanmar and return after a day. 

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